Career and Professional Development

Program Details

Graduate Certificate in Health Services Management (Admissions no longer accepted from general public.)


Please note that this program is restricted to health and/or social service organizations. Applications for admission are not accepted from the general public. Interested organizations should contact for further details.

This graduate certificate is designed for practicing health care professionals who want to acquire leadership skills to pursue a career in management or for managers and administrators who wish to upgrade their business and management knowledge for a senior management role. Focus is on the current changes and challenges in health systems across Canada, such as new funding models, evolving organizational changes, human resource challenges, financial sustainability, and greater demand for integration. A problem-based approach to teaching and learning will be taken, whereby students identify a real workplace operational problem and apply the theoretical concepts they learn to analyze and apply innovative and practical solutions.

Admission Requirements:

  1. A Bachelor's Degree in any discipline with a minimum CGPA of 3.0 out of 4.0 or 3.2 out of 4.0 in the last two years of full-time academic studies and three years of recent work experience in administrative, research or clinical positions in a health related environment;
  2. OR,
  3. A Bachelor's Degree in any discipline and a Certificate in Health and Social Service Management with a minimum CGPA of 3.0 out of 4.0.

  4. All applicants must provide their curriculum vitae and two letters of reference.


Number Title Prerequisites Available Times
Spring/Summer 2024 Fall 2024 Winter 2025 Spring/Summer 2025
3 REQUIRED Courses (9 credits):
CMS2 533 Lean Ops. & Performance Mgmt in Health Services Co-requisite: CHLC 500
CPL2 532 Leading Change
CACC 520 Accounting for Management Co-requisite: CMS2 500 (or the Exemption by Examination)
2 COMPLEMENTARY Courses to be chosen from the following: (6 Credits)
CGM2 510 Project Management: Tools and Techniques Not open to Special Students
CHLC 580 Health Services Management Field Project Prerequisite: CACC 520, CMS2 533, CPL2 532, and (CGM2 510 or CHLC 590 or CORG 556 or CPL2 510 or CORG 553)
CHLC 590 Topics in Health Care CHLC 500
CORG 553 Employee and Labour Relations Restricted to students in the graduate HR and Health Care programs or with Departmental approval.
CORG 556 Managing and Engaging Teamwork
CPL2 510 Communication and Networking Skills